Cook a batch of healthy dog food in 15 minutes - LIVE

Cook a batch of healthy dog food in 15 minutes - LIVE

Why bother cooking your dog fresh food? 
Like humans, the more nutrients dogs can get from natural sources, the better. Processed kibble and tinned dog food have their place for convenience. Fresh, homemade food really is best for the health of your dog. You could add in fresh meals as a nutritional boost, or feed your dog 100% homemade. 
NOTE: It is important that you use UK vet nutritionist recipes (e.g. like Fleetful dog food kit) if you are cooking for your dog. Dogs have complex nutritional needs. They can have problems later in life if their nutritional needs are not met. 
In this post, we will be talking through Holly's LIVE cook of Fleetful dog food kit! You can watch the video at the end!
What is Fleetful Dog Food Kit?
Fleetful Dog food kit contains protein powder, natural supplement and an easy to follow recipe card. These allow you to cook your dog a batch of healthy whole-food meals in 15 minutes
  • Chop and cook vegetables
Chop the vegetables finely so they cook quicker. Dogs have very short digestive tracts so chopping will help with digestion.
  • Add Fleetful protein powder to vegetables
Fleetful protein powder is then added to the vegetables when at a rolling boil. Stir and mix in well! Tip out onto a tray. Leave to cool. 
  • Make supplement topping
Use banana, 100% peanut butter, sunflower oil and natural supplement to make the topping. Spread onto the cooled tray of food. 
  • Portion food ready for fridge and freezer
Portion up according to your dog's meal allowance (guidance on recipe card) and put in fridge and freezer!
Before long you will be cooking fresh, organic meals for your dog with your eyes closed. Adding fresh whole-food meals will improve your dog's skin, digestion, cellular functions and more
You can get your dog food kit here. Subscribe for 20% off (cancel anytime)



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