The health benefits of home made plant-based dog food are huge, but making it may seem daunting at first. More and more dog owners are realising how easy it is and are adding fresh meals into their dog's diets. In this post, we will talk about how to use Fleetful Dog Food Kit. Scroll to the bottom for a video how-to guide.
What is Fleetful Dog Food Kit
Fleetful Hearty Hemp and Chickpea Dog Food Kit makes it easy for you to cook fresh plant-based meals for your dog. It comes in two parts - the protein powder and the supplement. When added to a few other ingredients, you can make your own fresh, vegan dog food.
Step by step instructions
- In a large pan, add the vegetables and cover with water.
- Cook for 5-10 minutes until soft.
- Add the Hearty Hemp and Chickpea protein powder and 3 litres of hot water.
- On a low to medium heat, cook the mixture for 5 minutes
- Pour out onto pre-lined trays and leave to cool fully.
- Add the sunflower oil, peanut butter and mashed banana to the supplement.
- Once the tray mixture is fully cooled, spread the supplement banana mixture on top.
- Portion the food up into your dog's meal sizes.
- Freeze all food that won't be used that day.
- Defrost your dog's fresh meals each day!
Equipment to make it easier
BPA free trays:
BPA Free containers:
Hints and Tips
- Replacing veg. You can replace the courgette for one of or a mix of cauliflower, broccoli, kale, green beans, asparagus, cabbage, brussel sprouts. No onions, no leeks, no garlic.
- Carrots can be replaced by butternut, pumpkin or sweet potato. They are rich in vitamin A which your dog needs.
- You can swap the peanut butter for tahini if that suits you.
- Other options. You can bake the recipe in your lined oven proof tray if your dog likes a 'bite' to their food. Just add to a pre-heated oven of 180°C for 30 minutes.
- Always cool the cooked mix before adding the supplement on top. If the supplement mixture is heated, it loses its nutritional value.
- It is recommended to portion up into daily amounts before freezing. Each day you can defrost a fresh meal for your dog.
Get your Fleetful Dog Food Kit and let us know how you get on! Your dog will love you for a fresh meal!
1 comment
Hi, just bought a kit today. Couple of questions though, please…
I give the algae oil supplement that just be kind website recommends, mainly for the vit d and joint care. So, do I omit the sunflower oil completely, or give the algae oil as a supplement?*. I am so used to cooking for our 2 dogs every 2 or 3 days and don’t normally freeze the meals. So is it possible for me to ammend the recipie for the way I am used to, and keep in fridge for 2 to 3 days as I do now please… Thank you!