Why a whole food plant-based diet is healthier for dogs

Why a whole food plant-based diet is healthier for dogs

 Canine allergies are on the up - cancer in dogs is on the up. Is it what we are feeing our dogs? We spoke to Dr Arielle who is a GP Vet Nutritionist about the long term benefits of feeding your dog a whole food diet. You can find the video at the bottom of this article.

What is a whole-food diet?

More and more people are choosing to feed their dog whole foods from plant-based sources to help with current health problems and to extend their life. Studies in humans have shown long term health benefits through eating a whole food diet, and we are beginning to see this positive change in dogs too. Whole-foods can include brown rice, lentils, nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits and much more. We MUST stress that before attempting to try this with your dog, we advise contacting a vet who knows about nutrition or buying a nutritionally complete pack like our Fleetful dog food recipe kit

The below video talks about a whole food diet helping combat environmental allergens, heart conditions and general all-round health of your dog. 

If you would like to know more, please get in touch hello@fleetful.co.uk



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